Historic Landmark Designation Frequently Asked Questions


1) What is required to designate a Historic Landmark?

No property will be recommended for designation as a historic landmark unless it is deemed and found by the Historic Landmarks Commission to be of special significance in terms of its historical, prehistoric, design, setting, workmanship, materials, feeling and/or association. No property shall be proposed for designation as a landmark unless a written application is received from the record owner(s) of the property requesting such designation.

2) What is required to designate a Historic Landmark?

An application to designate potentially historic properties can be obtained from the Town Planning and Code Enforcement Department or linked below.

3) Are there any benefits for the owner(s) of historic landmarks?

Yes. The property owner(s) would receive a 50% reduction in ad valorem taxes. If a designated property is undesignated and comes out of the program, there is a 3-year rollback.

4) Can a designated landmark be removed from the Historic Landmark program?

The purpose of the Historic Landmark Designation Ordinance is to protect structures of historical, architectural, prehistorical, and cultural significance to the Town. Once a landmark has been designated, the designation runs with the property and it is filed with the Dare County Register of Deeds. A landmark will be removed from the program if improvements are made that are inconsistent with an issued Certificate of Appropriateness and the principles and guidelines adopted by the Commission and are not corrected/remedied. A landmark is also removed following issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness for demolition of the structure.

5) Can additions or alterations be made to a designated landmark?

Yes. A Certificate of Appropriateness can be obtained for alterations that comply with the principles and guidelines adopted by the Commission.