

May 2, 2024

At its May 7 regular Town Council meeting, the Town Council will be considering a recommendation from the Town Manager to enter a Memorandum of Understanding with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Aquatic Weed Program for treatment of Eurasian Milfoil in the Town’s canals. 

Milfoil is an invasive plant that is recognized by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality as a noxious aquatic weed that qualifies for assistance from their treatment program

Read more about what Milfoil is here: 

May 16, 2024

The Town Council has requested additional information before determining what, if any, action to take at this time.  The Council directed staff to bring back a draft MOU with the State for their consideration which only includes a more comprehensive survey to better determine how much milfoil is present and where it is present in the canals.  The Council would also like to hear from an expert in the subject matter of using 2,4-D as the treatment option.  Dr. Robert Richardson has been invited to attend.

Dr. Robert J. Richardson
William H. Culpepper Distinguished Professor of Aquatic Weed Science
Aquatic and Noncropland Weed Science
Co-chair NCSU Weed Science Program
Crop and Soil Science Department
North Carolina State University

This item will be placed on the Council’s June 4 agenda.

Council Meeting June 4, 2024: Milfoil 6/4/2024: Rob Richardson, Professor & Extension Specialist, NC State University